We provide premium grade natural CBD oils in various CBD concentrations. Our Cibdol CBD oil 10% is one of our strongest CBD oils to-date. As with our olive oil-based range of CBD oils that come in 2.5% and 4% concentrations, the highly concentrated Cibdol CBD oil 10% is a CBD oil of the purest quality, made to the strictest European manufacturing standards. It doesn’t contain any additives, chemicals or other impurities and is made from naturally grown hemp.nn nnCBD-conscious users who want the strongest and purest CBD oil available can now take advantage of our highly concentrated 10% CBD oil, without the drawbacks of some other types of cannabinoids. Cibdol CBD oil doesn’t get you high and doesn’t impair you in your usual daily activities, so you can take it without worries at any time of the day.n
How to use Cibdol natural CBD oil 10%
n nnThe recommended dosage for Cibdol CBD oil 10% is 3–4 drops, up to three times per day.nn nnSince Cibdol CBD oil is an all-natural perishable product, it is recommended that you store it in a dark and cool place after opening the bottle. Storing Cibdol CBD oil in the refrigerator is the safest way to ensure it stays fresh for a long time.